Monday, October 22, 2018

Secrets Worth Spilling

As I prowl the stacks of yet another library, I’m drawn to sections, titles, and books I need to read: for this blog; for Book #2; and for my workshops, presentations, and private coaching.

And, of course, for the sheer pleasure of learning something new about this most interesting part of my own long life, “long” being key when pulling certain books off the shelf. Like this one, for instance: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Secrets of Longevity, by Kandeel Judge, M.D., Maxine Barish-Wreden, M.D., and Karen Brees, Ph.D.

(Note to publisher: I think I’d have placed “Complete” in front of “Guide,” not “Idiot’s.” Not sure one need be a complete idiot to benefit from the book’s contents.)

At first glance, I was a bit put off by the book’s cover: a photo of a fit and smiling couple in their 40s, biking happily along some beach, wearing sandals and other warm weather gear. On the man only is the slightest hint of grey hair. These are clearly people at the very start of their longevity journey who hope to learn the Secrets within. So’s they can better peddle their way, I imagine, into their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond.

As I am already well traveled on the longevity tour, I was curious to see if perhaps I’d lived too long to benefit from the Secrets. I also wondered if my own Secrets for making it into my 70s in any way resembled what the Idiot’s Complete Guide had to offer.

And so the book’s Table of Contents: four parts and 21 chapters, with the first three sections being all too familiar, containing all the physical stuff we know we should be doing—should’ve been doing all along: eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, blah, blah, and blah.

It was Part 4, though, that caught my attention: “Passion for Life: The Ultimate Longevity Booster.” And no secret why that would be true, especially with chapters on:

            Meditation and Relaxation
            Writing Your Way to Wellness
            The Power of Laughter
            Health Longevity, and Optimism
            All-Encompassing Gratitude
            Creating Your Own Life Story.

I’ve managed to spill a couple of those Secrets while hiking the longevity trail: in this blog; in some of my published essays; and in my first book. Book #2 will likely reinforce them while also featuring others. Because, really, who wants to keep a good Secret to themselves?

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