Monday, March 25, 2019

Some Muses Are Real

There's a what-if day, and then there's the real thing.

And in LaChapelle Lande, that means getting up every day, making coffee, taking a short walk to the nearby park, coming back home, and writing.

Then taking a brief break for lunch, my special concoction of yogurt and nuts, and to read the paper.

Then getting back to writing.

Then after too much time spent sitting, getting up from the writing to move. Which means doing physical labor in my apartment, the best thing for both my back and the writing.

And even for the apartment.

Following my short list of indoor chores, I get to stretch out on the rug or my rarely used yoga mat and read for a couple of hours from the pile of books that litter my bookcase, every table and chair, and the floor.

All of which are related to my writing.

Then before heading out to the pub or to join friends for dinner, a movie, a bike ride, I do a bit of revising of what I've written.

Fortunately, I'm inching along on this particular writing project, aka Book II, with the help of some of my friends who actually want to read the damn thing. Which, of course, is why they are my friends.

So the pressure is on, with self-imposed deadlines looming, including finding an agent. And that all adds up to my putting this fun little blog on hold for the near future.

I will miss posting my idle thoughts and related stories on aging, but I'm guessing that much of what I would write here will find its way into the book.

And so, my loyal blog followers, you, too, may consider yourselves members of my Muse Group, for which I am truly grateful.


For Book II updates, feel free to email me at And no worries, I won't get distracted from the writing. I'm no longer online at home, a decision I made to, well, not get distracted from the writing. ✍✍✍