These books include Joan Chittister’s The Gift of Years; Daniel Klein’s Travels with Epicurus: A Journey to a Greek Island in Search of a Fulfilled
Life, (2012); and Lewis Richmond’s Aging
as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older & Wiser.
Today, I'd like to share some bits from Richmond’s,
particularly from a list in the book’s Chapter 4, “I Like Growing Old.”
Richmond introduces the list with: “I have asked any number
of people what they like about aging, and I have heard many different answers.”
What then follows are 12 of those answers, five of which caught my attention:
Giving back
to the community
more time with people I care about
A smaller
Not having
to look attractive all the time.
Now the first three are obviously quite meaningful—and
“spiritual”—and so are explored in greater detail in Richmond’s book. But it’s those last two, so prosaic and
practical, that speak to me.
And maybe it’s because they reveal how I’ve lived most of
my adult sartorial life: owning a quite minimal wardrobe (of the casual variety
mostly) and with little or no physical adornment, including noticeable make up.
Now if I were to make my own list of why that’s been the
case, it would include the following:
1. I was a fat kid and had to buy my clothes at the Chubby
Shoppe at Lane Bryant when growing up;
2. I went to Catholic grammar and high schools, which meant
uniforms, i.e., no staring into the clothes closet each morning trying to decide
what to wear;
3. And though I married (and divorced) and dated throughout
my entire adult life, I haven’t yet re-married, and so have no one currently in-house
to “dress up” for;
4. I’m a writer and an entrepreneur, which means that even
if I had wanted a large and really glam wardrobe—and regular
manicures/facials/make-up sessions at fancy stores—I couldn’t have afforded it;
5. Finally, it seems I’ve always been a minimalist when it
comes to material things, eschewing real stuff for the stuff that’s always
percolating and circulating in my mind.
Not sure if that’s a real choice, actually, though it does kind of
explain why I write, whether in a personal journal or for publication. All that
stuff has to land somewhere outside of
my brain, if for no other reason than to make room for the next swirl of ideas,
images, and thoughts.
So in response to those last two entries on Richmond’s list,
I might add: “It’s great to finally fit in with my peers, even if it took me several
decades to do so.”
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