Monday, April 3, 2017

Acting Locally

Like many people after The Odious Orange One was elected, I took to the streets, marching in the Chicago Women’s March, joining thousands of like-minded spirits on a gloriously spring-like day in January.

I knew there’d be more of these marches—and for a range of causes—and anticipated I’d be joining those as well. For starters, there’s plenty of information about these gatherings on my Facebook page: dates/times/places/themes.

But though I’ve put several of the marches on my calendar, I’ve yet to make it to any of them. I keep getting diverted by several local issues and causes, including the one nearest and dearest to my aging heart: affordable housing, including for seniors.

And so it was that I found myself at a meeting last Friday hosted by the Jane Addams Senior Caucus, one specifically focused on affordable housing. I was so inspired by the presentation that I signed on to volunteer for two of their current campaigns, including “Keeping the Promise.”

But first, from their website, by way of introduction, here is the organization’s Mission Statement:

Jane Addams Senior Caucus is a multiracial, grassroots organization led by concerned seniors in the Chicago metropolitan area. We cross neighborhood, racial, religious and socio-economic lines to find common ground upon which to act on our values. Through leadership development, organizing and popular education, we use the power of our collective voice to work for economic, social and racial justice for all seniors and our communities.

Jane Addams Senior Caucus has over 500 members from diverse backgrounds fighting for social justice. We know that seniors are valuable to our community and that seniors coming together can improve their lives and be active in civic life.

The issues we work on come from the concerns of our members. Presently, we are working on a wide range of issues, including affordable housing creation and preservation, retirement security, voter registration and Get Out The Vote, and progressive state revenue.

Now anyone who’s followed this blog knows that one particular sentence in the Statement (which I’ve italicized) resonates with me, particularly as it speaks against ageism and for continued involvement in public life as we age.

As for that campaign I joined? Click on the link below to learn more about it. Then click on Campaigns and Housing. And maybe consider joining me on it, ok?

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