Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Move

To my loyal blog readers:

I am sorry to be so tardy with a new post, but I moved two weeks ago today, and 26.5 miles away.

The move went about as perfectly as it could, but the settling in has been complicated by two things: the crazy weather here in the Chicago area, and the back pain I sustained while packing, then carrying stuff down downstairs and upstairs.

Again, and again, and again.

Guess I ain't as young as I used to be, eh? Ah, well, if nothing else, pain does humble one, especially making us grateful for those moments, sometimes seconds, when it seems to moderate. Gratitude being another necessary ingredient of aging.

And so I am gratefully on the mend, and will be posting next week about the poet Mary Oliver, who died last week.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes, dear, you shall move
    at our demise... but, don't
    let that scare you. I'm a
    NDEr ---> Dunno. Wannum??
    ☆ ☆
    God Bless You!
